

East Branch of the California Aqueduct, photo courtesy of California Department of Water 资源

我们的基础: 保障进口供应

It is a simple reality: Southern California doesn’t produce enough water locally to meet the demands of our population and economy. The region imports more than half of the water it uses, most of it through Metropolitan. We bring this water to the region from two sources: the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, via the 国家水利工程和科罗拉多河,通过 科罗拉多河渡槽. Together these imported supplies provide a foundation of water reliability in Southern California. 知道这些重要的进口资源不容易被取代, Metropolitan works hard to ensure their continued reliability in the face of climate change.

我们20%的水来自科罗拉多河渡槽, 30%来自国家水利工程, 50%来自当地的雨水, 地下水, 回收, 和海水淡化


The 科罗拉多河 has been the backbone of Southern California’s imported water supply for 80 years. 由大都会建造和运营, the 科罗拉多河渡槽 carries water from the river 242 miles across the desert to Southern California. It provides about 20 percent of the water used in Metropolitan’s 5,200-square-mile service area.

Originally conceived by William Mulholland and designed by Metropolitan’s first Chief Engineer Frank Weymouth, the 科罗拉多河渡槽 was the largest public works project built in Southern California during the Great Depression. Over seven years, 35,000 people toiled across the desert to construct the engineering feat.



大都会航空公司自1941年首次188bet棋牌平台CRA以来, water from the 科罗拉多河 has helped transform Southern California into the thriving region it is today. 这条河也维持着人们的生计, 农场, 企业, 部落国家, 以及其他六个州和墨西哥的野生动物. But while demands for 科罗拉多河 water have grown, supplies from the river have not. 随着气候变暖,这种不平衡可能会加剧, 减少河流流域的径流. This is the latest challenge in the enduring struggle to share the 科罗拉多河 among the 40 million people and 5 million acres of farmland that rely on it.

The 科罗拉多河 starts from the Upper Basin in western Colorado and eastern Utah and then flows into Lake Powell 从 Lake Powell, the water flows into the Lower basin located in northern Arizona and then into Lake Mead in Nevada. Finally, the river follows the border of Arizona and flows into the Gulf of California in Mexico.

2023年7月,米德湖的水位. 由美国提供.S. 垦务局.



在过去的二十年里, Metropolitan has been committed to increasing the sustainability of the 科罗拉多河 by building partnerships inside and outside California to develop creative conservation and storage programs based on collaboration, 不冲突. The agreements and trust forged provide a critical foundation as water agencies across the west negotiate the next steps needed to address the river’s imbalance.






和科罗拉多河一起, Southern California’s other main source of imported water — typically about 30% of the region’s annual supply — comes from the Northern Sierra. It is delivered here through the system of reservoirs and aqueducts known as the 国家水利工程, 这是全国最大的国家建造的水电系统. 水汇集在羽毛河, passes through Lake Oroville and weaves its way through the 萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲 before entering the 444-mile California Aqueduct to Southern California. 一路走来, the 国家水利工程 provides a critical water supply to more than 27 million Californians from the Bay Area to San Diego and sustains farmland that produces nearly half of the nation’s fruits and vegetables.

几十年来, mounting pressures on the Delta — ranging from environmental protections and water quality regulations to a changing climate marked by increasingly extreme weather patterns — have reduced the reliability of SWP deliveries to Southern California. 认识到三角洲的健康对我们未来用水的重要性, 大都会致力于以科学为基础的流域管理, multi-benefit environmental initiatives and community-based partnerships with local stakeholders in the Delta. 当我们评估与供水有关的长期投资时, 我们要确保他们与我们的 水资源适应气候变化总体规划 规划过程.


三角洲对该州的经济至关重要, 数百万加州人的供水和生活质量. 这里有重要的生态系统和多样的历史群落. 了解更多关于这个独特的地方,它的挑战和 大都会的角色 帮助制定合作的地区和国家解决方案.

未雨绸缪:交换、转账 & 水银行

California has always had highly variable weather – swinging from very dry years to very wet ones. 随着气候的变化, 预计这些波动将变得更加极端, 这意味着大都会进口的水资源波动更大. 确保南加州有可靠的水供应, 不管这些波动, 大都会在存储方面进行了大量投资. 自1990年以来,我们的存储容量增加了13倍, 所以当塞拉或科罗拉多河流域非常潮湿的时候, 我们可以储存水以备干旱年份使用. 部分储量的增加来自于对地表水库的投资, 比如钻石谷湖和米德湖, 通过“故意创造盈余”计划. But equally important is the storage capacity Metropolitan has developed through partnerships with water agencies across California for 地下水 banking and exchanges.

羚羊谷-东克恩高地沙漠水岸的全景.  该项目使大都会能够存储和提取多达70个,每年有1000英亩英尺的水——足够满足210个城市的需求,南加州有5000户家庭.




通过地下水银行协议, Metropolitan stores water with partner agencies along the 国家水利工程 and the 科罗拉多河渡槽. They either put the water into their 地下水 basins using spreading grounds or exchange it for water that they would have pumped out of the ground for use. 在干旱年份, 大都会的进口物资有限, these partners either pump up some of the stored water for Metropolitan’s use or provide their other supplies in exchange. 


  • 亚热带水银行和交换计划,沃斯科
  • 艾尔文爱迪生水管理项目,艾尔文
  • 克恩三角洲水区水管理计划,塔夫脱
  • 莫哈韦储存计划,莫哈韦 
  • 羚羊谷-东克恩水务局(AVEK)高沙漠水岸 
  • Desert Water Agency/Coachella Valley Water District Advanced Delivery Program, Coachella Valley

水转移 & 其他协议

Metropolitan has developed other partnerships and programs to improve the reliability of imported supplies. 这包括直接的水转移和交换, 在干旱的年份直接购买水, 或者在潮湿的年份换取更多的水. Metropolitan’s portfolio includes such agreements with state and federal water agencies, 水区及个人. 在科罗拉多河, Metropolitan also has developed specialized conservation programs in which Metropolitan invests in agricultural conservation and receives the conserved water.

